Explore. Code ideas together.

Web Public

Create a responsive navigation bar with dropdown menu

A modern navigation bar with mobile support and animated dropdowns

HTML CSS JavaScript
React Public

Build a dark mode toggle with React and CSS variables

Implement dark mode using React hooks and CSS custom properties

React CSS Hooks
Three.js Public

Create a 3D rotating cube with custom textures

Learn how to create and animate 3D objects in Three.js

Three.js JavaScript WebGL
Vue.js Public

Vue 3 Composition API Authentication System

Complete authentication system with JWT and route protection

Vue 3 TypeScript Auth
Node.js Public

RESTful API with Express and MongoDB

Build a scalable REST API with authentication and validation

Node.js Express MongoDB
Python Public

FastAPI Backend with SQLAlchemy

Modern Python backend with async support and automatic OpenAPI docs

Python FastAPI SQL
React Native Public

Cross-platform Mobile Navigation Setup

Complete navigation system with bottom tabs and stack navigation

React Native Navigation Mobile
Next.js Public

Next.js 13 App Router with Server Components

Modern Next.js setup with new app directory and server components

Next.js React SSR
Flutter Public

Flutter State Management with Riverpod

Complete state management solution with Riverpod 2.0

Flutter Dart Riverpod
DevOps Public

Docker Compose Setup for Microservices

Multi-container application setup with Docker Compose

Docker DevOps Microservices
GraphQL Public

Apollo GraphQL Server with TypeScript

Type-safe GraphQL server with code-first approach

GraphQL TypeScript Apollo
CSS Public

Responsive Grid Layout System

Modern CSS Grid system with flexbox fallback

CSS Grid Responsive
Testing Public

Jest and React Testing Library Setup

Complete testing setup for React applications

Testing Jest React
AWS Public

Serverless API with AWS Lambda

Serverless REST API using AWS Lambda and API Gateway

AWS Serverless Lambda
Security Public

OAuth 2.0 Implementation Guide

Complete OAuth 2.0 flow with refresh tokens

Security OAuth API